
本专栏将从New York Times、The New Yorker、Washington Post、BBC News等英文报章杂志当选材,为同窗们梳理犯得着积聚的常识点,重要波及纯粹搭配、风气用语、选词晋级、小词活用、熟词生义等板块。

honor是什么意思(honor笔记本电脑多少钱) 第1张






honor是什么意思(honor笔记本电脑多少钱) 第2张

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即使想要表白“天问一号探测器胜利降落荧惑”的宏大意旨, 大略少许的采用比方“it's a huge step forward for China's space program” (大概“it’s a breakthrough for …”); 同窗们也不妨采用少许短语搭配, 来看这么两处境外期刊节录:

But the question is not so much whether Beijing, which has made huge strides since putting its first man in space in 2003, can succeed. Unquestionably, history points in China’s favor, with its deep pockets, steadfast political commitment and a massive internal market for satellites and more. (华夏此次荧惑探测器胜利降落并不让人感触不料, 自从2003年将首位航天员送入天外此后, 这个国度仍旧博得了宏大的超过。毫无疑义, 华夏具有丰富的资力、坚忍的政事许诺以及宏大的海内卫星商场等利于成分) —— Bloomberg News

单词stride转义表白“大步, 纵步” (a long step), 常以复数形strides表白“发达, 进百思特网步”, 个中关系不难领会, 有关系短语“make strides”表白“博得超过”, 不妨在个中填加huge、great、impressive等来夸大水平。

China’s space program took a giant leap when it landed a rover on Mars on its first attempt this weekend. (本周, 华夏初次将探测器胜利登岸荧惑, 这标记着该国天外安置实行了宏大奔腾) —— Wall Street Journal

个中“took a giant leap”鲜明将“腾跃, 奔腾”作“发达, 超过”领会; 接洽我在往期推文中瓜分的quantum关系活用, 此处改写为“took a quantum leap”同样不妨表白“实行宏大奔腾”大概“博得宏大发达”这类含意。

我再瓜分一处风气用语的灵巧改写, 来看这么一处通讯节录:

honor是什么意思(honor笔记本电脑多少钱) 第3张

The landing is one more feather in China's space cap, which in recent years has included landing the Chang'e 4 mission on the far side of the moon, returning moon rocks to Earth via the Chang'e 5 mission and launching the core module of a new space station in April. (天问一号荧惑探测器的胜利降落是华夏天外工作的又一项宏大功效。连年来, 华夏的嫦娥四号胜利在月球背后降落, 嫦娥五号将月球岩石带回地球, 本年四月份又胜利放射了新空间站的中心舱) —— CNET News

风气用语“feather in one's cap”本表白“光荣” (an honor) 关系含意, 后再可派生表白“宏大功效” (a big achievement), 字面即“帽子上的羽毛”, 传闻源自印第安人风气, 土著兵士会用羽毛动作头饰来凸显本人的果敢害怕, 也见有其余一致的文明抄袭。来写一个例子: Earning that full scholarship to Yale is quite a feather in his cap. 赢得耶鲁大学的全额助学金是一件犯得着骄气的事。

节录中将该习语改写为“one more feather in China's space cap”, 本来指的即是“华夏天外工作的又一项宏大功效”, 用词灵巧, 同窗们不妨参考积聚。



China nailed its Mars landing – here’s what comes next —— Yahoo News

单词nail除可表白钉子, 也可作动词来表白“(经过全力) 胜利”这类含意, 个中关系可参考“钉子—钉牢—坚固—胜利”, 写一个例子: She finally nailed her dream job. 她毕竟找到了理念的处事。

上述作品题目中的“China nailed its Mars landing”指的即是“华夏胜利登岸荧惑”。我也将原文首段节录如次:

NASA’s Perseverance rover may be taking the lion’s share of the science headlines this year but it’s about to have some stiff competition. China, which launch百思特网ed its latest Mars mission at around the same time that NASA launched its new rover, successfully touched down with a lander and rover this past weekend. The mission is historic for the country, which has been trying to catch up to the likes of the U.S. and Russia in the new space race. (美利坚合众国宇宙航行局“意志号”荧惑探测器大概招引了本年科学消息通讯的重要关心, 但它行将面对少许剧烈比赛。华夏迩来一次实行荧惑探测工作的功夫与美利坚合众国宇宙航行局放射新探测器的功夫差不离。就在上周末, 华夏荧惑探测器胜利降落, 具备宏大汗青意旨, 该国从来试图在这场新的天外比赛中追逐美利坚合众国和俄罗斯) —— Yahoo News

此处波及一个风气用语“the lion’s share of something”, 字面为“狮子的份额”, 本质上用以表白“最大份额”, 也即是“the major share of something”大概“the largest part of something”, 个中典故来自寓言故事, 有百般本子, 大概上都在讲狮子和其余众生一道狩猎, 结果却独吞了绝大局部成都百货思特网果。

上述节录中“taking the lion’s share of the science headlines”字面为“吞噬了科学消息头条的绝大局部”, 本质上指的即是“招引了科学通讯的重要关心”。

一致的, 我牢记在往期推文中还瓜分过dominate (v. 遏制, 主导, 安排, 占主本地位) 这个单词的活用, 比方“the dispute is likely to dominate the news” (这场纠葛很大概变成消息通讯的中心), 再比方“take the lion’s share of the science headlines”改写为“dominate the science headlines”也是不妨的。