

1. 品德刻画词: 英语中洪量刻画词属于这一类,她们表白人或物的品德,如:

He's the happiest man on earth. 他是地球上最痛快的人。

The play was boring. 那出戏很枯燥无味。

2. 类属刻画词: 这类刻画词表白属于哪一类,如:

These subjects reflect our daily lives. 那些体裁反应咱们的凡是生存。


3. 脸色刻画词 :有少量表白脸色的刻画词,如:

His face went purple with rage. 他的脸气得发青。

这类词前方还可加light, pale, dark, deep, bright 等词,如:

light brown hair 葱白色头发 a pale green dress 淡绿色裙

4. 夸大刻画词: 有些刻画词起夸大效率,如:

I have perfect trust in his judgment. 我一致断定他的确定力。

5. -ing 刻画词


It was a tiring journey. 这真是一趟累人的游览。


a cunning trick 刁滑的策略

6. –ed刻画词


I felt depressed. 我感触很懊丧。


She is a trained nurse. 她是一个受过演练的看护。


skilled workers 本领工人

4)有些-ed 的刻画词包括有副词:

a well-equipped army 一支装置精致的队伍

a well-known musician 驰名的音乐家

7. 合成刻画词


a. 刻画词+动词+ed: good-natured 本能慈爱的

b. 刻画词+此刻分词:easy-going 好谈话的

c. 动词+此刻分词:heart-breaking 令民心碎的


a two-piece suit 两件套的洋装

all-out attempt 竭尽全力的全力


heart-to-heart talk 畅所欲言的说话

An out-of-date driving license 过时驾驶执照

一. 形 容 词 的 定 义 和 用 法:

刻画词用来化装动词或代词, 表白人或实物的本质, 状况,和特性。 刻画词在句中作定语, 宾语, 宾语,补语。 She is a good student, and she works hard. 她是一个好弟子,她进修全力。 This bike is expensive. 这辆脚踏车很贵。 I am sorry, I'm busy now. 抱歉,我此刻很忙。 Have you got everything ready for the meeting? 你为这次聚会做好筹备吗?

二. 刻画词在句中的场所: 刻画词作者定语普遍放在被化装的动词之前。即使有两个或两个之上的刻画词化装一个动词时, 则由它们和被化装的动词之间的出色水平而定, 越出色的刻画词越邻近动词。即使几个刻画词的出色水平差不离则按音缀少的刻画词放在前方, 音缀多的刻画词放在反面。

提防: 1. 英语单词中,something, anything, nothing 等大概代词被刻画词化装时,刻画词放在动词反面。 I have something important to tell you. 我有要害的事要报告你。 Is there anything interesting in the film. 影戏里有什么风趣的实质吗? There is nothing dangerous here. 这边一点都不伤害。

2. 由两个或两个之上的词构成的刻画词短语化装动词时须放在动词之后。 This is the book easy to read. 这是一本简单读的书。

3. 用 and 或 or 贯穿起来的两个刻画词作者定语时普遍把它们放在被化装的动词反面。起进一步证明的效率。 Everybody, man and woman, old and young, should attend the meeting. 每一部分,士女老小,都该当加入聚会。 You can take any box away, big or small. 那些箱子,尽管巨细,你都不妨拿走。

三. 刻画词的原级、比拟级和最高档: 绝大普遍刻画词有三种情势,原级,比拟级和最高档, 以表白刻画词证明的本质在水平上的各别。 1.刻画词的原级: 刻画词的原级情势即是辞书中展示的刻画词的究竟。 比方: poor, tall ,great, glad ,bad 等。

2.原级常用构造:主语+谓语(系动词)+as+刻画词究竟+as+从句。表白两者比较沟通。 This box is as big as mine. 这个匣子和我的一律大。 This coat is as cheap as that one. 这件衣物同那件衣物一律廉价。 I study English as hard as my brother. 我同我伯仲一律进修全力。 3. 刻画词的比拟级和最高档情势变革:

刻画词的比拟级和最高档情势是在刻画词的原级情势的普通上变革的。 分为准则变革和不准则变革。 准则变革如次: 1) 单音缀刻画词的比拟级和最高档情势是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 形成。 great (原级) greater(比拟级) greatest(最高档) 2) 以 -e 结果的单音缀刻画词的比拟级和最高档是在词尾加 -r 和 -st 形成。 wide (原级) wider (比拟级) widest (最高档) 3)少量以-er, -ow,结果的双音缀刻画词的比拟级和最高档是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 形成。 clever(原级) cleverer(比拟级) cleverest(最高档) narrow -- narrower -- narrowest 4) 以 -y 结果,但 -y 前是子音假名的刻画词的比拟级和最高档是把 -y 去掉,加上 -ier 和-est 形成. happy (究竟) happier (比拟级) happiest (最高档) 5) 以一个子音假名结果其前方的母音假名发短母音的刻画词的比拟级和最高档是双写该子音假名而后再加 -er和-est。 big (原级) bigger (比拟级) biggest (最高档) 6) 双音缀和多音缀刻画词的比拟级和最高档需用more 和 most 加在刻画词前方来形成。 beautiful (原级) difficult (原级) more beautiful (比拟级) more difficult (比拟级) most beautiful (最高档) most difficult (最高档) 7) 常用的不准则变革的刻画词的比拟级和最高档: 原级 比拟级 最高档 good better best many more most much more most bad worse worst little less least ill worse worst far farther(further) farthest(百思特网furthest) 8) 刻画词前如加 less 和 least 则表白"较不"和"最不" important 要害 less important 较不要害 least important 最不要害

4. 刻画词比拟级的用法: 刻画词的比拟级用来两部分或实物的比拟,其构造情势如次: 1) 主语 + 谓语 (系动词) + 刻画词比拟级 + than + 比较因素。

也即是, 含有刻画词比拟级的主句 + than + 从句。提防从句往往省去意旨上和主句沟通的局部, 而只剩下对百思特网比的因素。 Our teacher is taller than we are. 咱们教授的个子比咱们的高。 It is warmer today than it was yesterday. 即日的气象比昨天和缓。 This picture is more beautiful than that one. 这张像片比那张像片美丽。

2) 比拟级前的化装语可用表白水平或数目的词或短语,重要有:even, still ,

much, far, rather, any(用来否认句或 疑义句), a lot , a great deal, by far, a little , a bit , three times, two metres 等。

Are you feeling any better?

I’m two years older than you.

形容词的用法(英语形容词的分类及用法归纳详解) 第1张

I’m rather taller than you.

3)The+刻画词比拟级..., the+刻画词比拟级... 表白 " 越..., 就越..."。 The more you study, the more you know. 你学的越多, 就领会的越多。 The more I have, the more I want. 我越有就越想要有。 The more, the better. 越多越好。

4)刻画词比拟级 + and + 刻画词比拟级 ", 表白 " 越来越... "。 It's getting hotter and hotter. 气象越来越热了. It's pity he is getting poorer and poorer. 真不幸他越来越穷了。 The computer is cheaper and cheaper. 计划机越来越廉价。 She is getting more and more beautiful.

5) 比拟级的倍数:"倍数+as…as" 或 "倍数+比拟级+than" 或“倍数+ 相映的动词”三种构造。

This table is three times the size of that one.

This table is three times as large as that one.

This table is twice larger than that one.

6) 比拟级范畴是由of引出两者之间的比拟,比拟级前要用定冠词 。He is the taller of the two. 两丹田他高级中学一年级点。

He is the younger of the two. 两丹田他年青一点。

5. 刻画词最高档的用法: 1)主语 + 谓语( 系动词 ) + the + 刻画词最高档 + 动词 + 表演示围的短语或从句。She is the best student in her class. 她是班上最佳的弟子。 Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. 上海是华夏最大都会之一。 This is the biggest apple I have ever met. 这是我见到的最大的苹果。 Tom is the tallest boy in his basketball team. 汤姆是她们排球队中个子最高的儿童。

2)比拟级句型和同级比拟句型中展示否认词no , never , nothing等,也可表白最高档含意。I love nothing better than swimming . (= I love swimming best.)I have never seen as old a car as this. (= This is the oldest car I've ever seen.)

四. 相关刻画词的几个特出用法: 1)most 同刻画词连用而不必 the, 表白 "极,很,特殊, 格外", 这时候无范畴;有范畴时用最高档。 She is a most lovely girl. (most = very )

She is the most lovely girl in our class. (最)

2)“the + 刻画词” 表白一类人或实物。 He always helps the poor. 他常常扶助贫民。 I like to have a talk with the young. 我爱好同年青人说话。 He expects me to do the impossible.


3) 几个短语的含意:

no more than = only 或 as … as 惟有, 只是not more than = at most 最多,不胜过no less than 有…之多 not less than 不少于

no more than和no less than也是恒定短语,辨别表白"只然而"和"有……之多"、"多达"。(带有情绪颜色)I have no more than ten dollars. 我惟有10块钱。(有嫌少的道理)In our school there are no less than 250 teachers.咱们书院里的教授有250位之多。(夸大多)not more than和not less than,not more than(=at most)表白"不多于"、"最多",

not less than(=at least)表白"不少于"、"起码"。(表白客观工作)The experiment was done by not more than 5 persons.做这个考查的人不到5个。There were not less than one hundred people at the meeting.到货的至罕见100人。

4) 同形的副词和刻画词fast train 慢车 hard workers 干活刻意的工人 run fast 跑得快 work hard 干活刻意,处事全力 right answer 精确的回复 enough food 充满的食品 do everything right 句句工作做得对 large enough 充满大 in the late afternoon 黄昏 in the early morning 第一次全国代表大会早 work late 处事得晚 come early 来得早 其余如straight, wide, high, low也都能用作刻画词和副词。比方:He drew a straight line on the paper. 他在纸上划了一条曲线。 He went straight to the room. 他径自朝那屋子走去。

5) 具备两种情势的副词英语中有些副词有两种情势,但其意旨各别。The station is quite near. 车站就在邻近。(near用作刻画词)He lives near. 他就住在邻近。(near用作副词)It's nearly nine o'clock. 快要九点钟了。(nearly用作副词,但其含意是:快要、简直) The cake is hard. 这蛋糕太硬。 (用作刻画词)The test is hard. 考查太难。 He is a hard worker. 他是一个干活刻意的工人。 We all work hard. 咱们都全力处事。(hard用作副词) I can hardly understand you. 我不太懂你的道理。 意为:简直不There was hardly a cloud in the sky. 天际简直没有云彩。 He is late. 他迟到了。(late用作刻画词)He went to bed late last night. 他昨晚很晚才安排。(late用作副词)Have you seen her lately? 你迩来瞥见过她吗?(lately意为:迩来)


控制词(a, one’s)+ 刻画性刻画词+ 巨细、是非、上下 + 功夫、年纪 + 脸色 + 党籍、根源 + 资料 + 被化装动词。如:

a beautiful young Chinese girl 一位年青貌美的华夏密斯

two short old Japanese businessmen 两位矮个子阿曼老贩子

a little white stone bridge 一座白色小石桥

a small round yellow French wooden writing desk 一张黄色法兰西共和国木制小圆书案

7) 英语中有些刻画词普遍只能作宾语,不许放在动词前作定语 ,

如以a-发端的刻画词,afraid, asleep, alone, awake, alive。其余,ill, glad, sorry, sure, well也不许放在动词前作定语。 提防:

sick (抱病) 与ill各别,sick既不妨作宾语也不妨作定语而ill则不许,试比拟: These children are ill / sick. 那些儿童病了。The nurse is taking care of the sick children. 看护正在 办理抱病的儿童们。(不许用ill) 其余,在襟怀衡用语中,刻画词常常放在襟怀单元之后。比方:I'm 1.百思特网80 metres tall. 我身高1.80米。The room is 32 feet wide. 这间屋子有32英尺宽。

8) 某些以-ly结果的刻画词英语中有少许以-ly结果的刻画词,不要误觉得是副词。 deadly 沉重的 friendly 和睦的 lonely 独立的 likely 大概的 lovely 心爱的 lively 欣喜的 brotherly 伯仲般的 fatherly 父亲似的 ugly 丑陋的 silly 笨拙的    再有少许与功夫相关的词,虽以-ly结果,但既不妨用作刻画词又不妨用作副词,如:daily 每天(的) weekly 每周一次(的)monthly 每月一次(的) yearly 年年一次(的)

9) can not …too / can not …enough 如何…也不为过

You can not be too careful. / You can not be careful enough. 越经心越好。

I can not thank you too much. / I can not thank you enough. 我对你感激涕零。

10) 刻画词作者状语


He lay in bed, cold and hungry.

He returned home, safe and sound.

He lay in bed, wide awake.