
With the development of modern electronic technology, makes the measurement of phase difference can reach very high accuracy, ranging phase law, therefore, be the first choice of the laser ranging. The intensity of the laser with low frequency modulation signal, the distance information is implicit in the modulation of light waves from the target reflected back to the phase information. To measure the transmission and reception of the phase difference between the light waves through the appropriate conversion, you can get the actual value of the distance under test.Content of this paper is mainly about the research significance of phase laser rangefinder, summarizes some benefits of phase laser rangefinder and related theoretical basis, mainly around the structure principle of phase laser rangefinder, to focus on the discussion of application range and precision, and finally put forward our country phase laser range finder 本回答由提问者推荐

回答和翻译如下:美国梦是一个国际精神特质的关于大美帝国的东西 。把它称做有许多的方面,但是,它本质的一个想法是,建议每个在美国的人,能够成为一个努力工作的人,然后,成为潜在的快乐引导,使得我们的生活变得更加的成功 。许多人是有扩大了它的存在意义,或者,改善了的目的是为了包含一些事情,像是诸如:自由,满足感,和一段具有意义的关系 。美国梦的想法是比美国这个国家更加具有悠久历史的,回到1600年的年代,当人们开始对生活感到怀抱各种各样的希望的时候,然后,具有强烈的愿望的,是一个新的,然后,巨大的关于考虑到的欧洲大陆的移民们 。然后,梦想的主要意思在于,已经改变了历史的进程,包括个人的双向成分,和,一个全球的未来发展的想象力的涉及 。但是,没有一个人是这么认为的,美国梦是一件积极的事情 。一些人们想先,在美国的社会结构组织使得每个人都具有一个理想主义的目标 。批评家将之称之为,常常的举例的观点使得那些在学校里所发生的不平等的事情,像是关于在种族方面的,信仰方面的,还有,在种族地位方面的建议,其实,美国梦对于每个人,并不是那么的容易达到的 。根据段落翻译成英语: 实现中国民族伟大复兴,是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我们称之为:‘中国梦”,其基本内涵是实现国家富强,民族振兴,人民幸福。中国梦,是让每一个积极进取的中国人形成世世代代的信念:只要经过不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活。人们必须通过自己的勤奋,勇气,创意和决心迈向繁荣,而不是依赖于社会和他人的援助。每个中国人都是中国梦的参与者和创造者。中国梦是民族的梦,也是每个中国人的梦。 To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, isthe greatest dream of the Chinese people in modern times, we call it: "theChinese dream", the basic connotation is to achieve national prosperity,national rejuvenation, the people happy. China dream is to make every positiveand progressive Chinese people into the belief that all generations: as long asthe unremitting struggle will be able to get a better life. People have to workthrough their own hard work, courage, creativity and determination to movetowards prosperity, rather than relying on social and other assistance. EveryChinese is a participant and creator of the Chinese dream. Chinese dream is anational dream, but also the dream of every chinese.

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英译汉翻译 第1张

As long as you do not bother me,I can be with you forever。


这一个在这里,去那里向所有的人,我普拉亚斯亚知道这了,一个好女孩dawg这是一直存在的人一样,采取了一切的牛市****然后有一天,她不能把它并决定不再离开酵母我醒来在半夜,我不是我的女孩被发现在我身边有地位宣誓我之梦,对她我feenin'因此,我不得不采取一些骑回到这几年了跟踪水手都想弄清楚我做什么,使变坏Cuz自从我离开我的女孩我的整个生命起源的crashin不能belive我有你这样的女孩,我只是让你走我的生命权outta毕竟我给您你仍然坚持到底,并留在我身边真正伤害我的是我打破了你的心宝贝你一个很好的女孩,我没有权利我真的很想把事情的权利Cuz没有你在我生命的女孩我很...在所有关于世界是不是遇到过一个女孩,可以采取你已经经历的事情从来没有想过有一天会为您将获得并运行,我会追你了Cuz不是无处在全球我宁愿是不是没有在全球一我宁愿看然后,我梦想中的女孩,使我的太高兴了,但现在如此的孤独从来没有想过我会独自我没想到你会这么久了我只是想让你打电话我的电话停止播放女孩,就回家来! (来家中)女婴我并不是要留言我希望我和你的工作中我从来没有想伤害过我的宝宝而且这drivin'我疯狂cuz寂寞先生

英译汉翻译 第2张

作为膳食补充剂,需要1囊每天或由一名医生。 本回答被网友采纳

All electrical circuit fall into one of three classes; series circuits,parallel circuits,and series-parallel circuits. A series circuit is one in which the current flows in a single continous path and is of the same value at every point in circuit (figure 1).In a parallel circuit there are two or more current paths bwtween two points in the circuit ,as shown in figure 2.Here the current dividws at A,part going through R1,and part through R2,and combines at B to return to the battery. Figure 3.shows a series-parallel circuit. There are two paths bwtween pounts A and B as in the parallel circuit, and in addition there are two resistances in series in each branch og the parallel combination .two other example of series-parallel arrangements appear in figure 4.the way in which the current splits to flow through the paralel branches is shown by the arrows. In every circuit,eath of the parts has some resistance :the batteries or generator,the connecting conductors ,and the apparatus itself . thus,if each part has some resistance ,no matter how little,and a current is flowing througt it, there will be a voltage drop across it. In other words,there will be a potential difference between the two ends of the circuit element in question .the drop in voltage is equal to the product of the current and the resistance ,hence ig is called the IR drop. The source of voltage has an internal resistance,and when connected into a circuit so that current flows,there will be an IR drop in the source just as in every other part of the circuit. thus ,if the terminal voltage of the source could be measured in a way that would cuause no current to flos ,it would be found to be more than the voltage measured when a current flows by the amout of the IR drop in the source.The voltage measured with ni current flowing is termed the no-load voltage. it is apparedt that a volage source having a low internal a low internal resistance is more desirable.


汉译英考试科目:考试内容包括:听力、阅读、翻译、写作http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=5Oqju9ajfH60KNZReuKXf0UYH7j-q4bB9AFf49RcZQvNlCqyrS7DWYDoj3jcM7FkrJz644ycv0K7K9HPcBGTTGAK1fcJCWIQeI5Q7XElkcG  这是四级的模拟卷,可以参考



She told The Toronto Star that it will have six to fifteen cats. 她告诉多伦多之星,将有六到十五只猫。Morozowich is a cat lover who says that cats help to lower people's stress levels. Morozowich是位爱猫人士,认为猫可以帮助缓解人们的压力。Some experts say that reading to animals helps kids learn to read better because animals enjoy hearing the human voice and kids don’t have to feel worried about making mistakes while they're reading. 一些专家说孩子读书给猫听能够帮助孩子阅读,因为动物喜欢人类的声音,而且孩子在读书给它们听的时候不用担心是否会读错。They are trying to raise money to open a place where cats will live, and[people can come in and buy a coffee and hang out with the cats.他们正在筹钱开一家猫咪生活的地方,在那里人们也可以进来喝咖啡或者和猫一起玩耍。The City of Toronto has many rules that people have to follow who want to serve food to humans when there are animals nearby. 在多伦多想从事餐饮业有很多的规矩,比如当有动物在的时候。 本回答由提问者推荐


我们准备比我们之前预想的早一点展示(或炫耀)它。拼写有误,little,不是littler 本回答由网友推荐