
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dell 这网站应该会帮到你~ 本回答由提问者推荐

hardware manufacturer and distributor. The company is one of the world's largest computer distributors in terms of both quantity of units sold and gross income, and one of the United States' largest corporations. From 1999 until 2006 Dell delivered more complete computer systems worldwide per quarter than any other PC manufacturer. However, a bad reputation stemming from poor customer support had seen Dell's market shrink, with rival Hewlett-Packard outselling Dell for the first time in Q4 2006. Dell is now attempting to improve it's image with Linux-based desktop and laptop models, a community-driven idea generation website, and a move to less expensive AMD processors.Dell Computer was founded as PC's Limited in 1984 by university student Michael Dell. Selling assembled computers from his dormitory room, Michael abandoned the university during the planning stage of his first in-house computer design in 1985. The company was so successful that within two years PC's Limited had distribution offices in Europe, and changed it's grammatically-incorrect name to Dell Computer Corporation. By 1991, seven years after selling it's first computer, Dell Computer Corporation was listed in the Fortune 500. With much experience in mail order telephone sales, Dell was one of the first companies to offer computers for mail order via the Internet. The Dell Coupon program made many Internet models cheaper than other brands, and continues to be popular to this day.Most of Dell's products are IBM PC-compatible desktop, laptop, and server computers using Intel or AMD processors. The company also markets a line of HTC-produced handheld computershand, rebranded computer peripherals such as keyboards and mice, and Sony-developed monitors and televisions. Other Dell-branded peripherals such as scanners and printers are often designed in-house with production outsourced. Dell also distributes third-party hardware such as gaming consoles from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. Often Dell will market via the company website third-party devices that compete with it's own products, such as the Palm Tungsten handheld that competes with Dell's own Axim line.

美国苹果集团成立于1958年,位于美国加利福尼亚哈仙达岗14502沃勃洛克街。多年来,美国苹果集团一直潜心于高新、尖端数字处理系统的研究与开发,在计算机、游戏机、服装、皮具以及数字音响领域享誉全球,有口皆碑。 2001年,美国苹果集团进入中国市场,经过几年的推广和发展,美国苹果集团品牌特别是服装、皮具行业在中国市场已深入人心。 现今,美国苹果集团为了打造现代数码航母舰群,于2006年6月携手深圳市汇业集团,组建美国苹果集团中国区营运中心:深圳市五星苹果数码科技有限公司。 中国区营运中心现位于深圳市宝安区公明街道观光路汇业科技园,占地近120000平方米,主要研发、生产、销售美国苹果集团品牌MP3、MP4、U盘等数码类产品。 美国苹果集团数码倡导运用新技术为用户带来“愉悦数码的生活新体验”,为消费者提供创新、时尚的,数字化娱乐、学习等产品,并以专业化、差异化、高品质的产品为消费者提供新的消费服务。英语如下Apple American Group was founded in 1958, is located in California, Hacienda Street Woboluoke 14,502. Over the years, Apple has been concentrated in high-tech group, cutting-edge research and development of the digital processing system, computer, computer games, clothing, leather goods, as well as a worldwide reputation in the field of digital audio, and won. In 2001, Apple Group of the United States to enter the Chinese market, after several years of promotion and development of the United States of the Group Apple brand in particular clothing, leather goods industry in China has people. Today, Apple American Group to build a modern digital carrier Jianqun, in June 2006 SHENZHAN together industry groups, the United States formed the Group of Apple's operations center in China: Shenzhen, five-star Apple Digital Technology Co., Ltd.. China Area operations center is located in Bao'an District of Shenzhen City Komeito way street Tourism Department of Science and Technology Industry Park, near an area of 120,000 square meters, mainly R & D, production, sales of the Group of the United States Apple brand MP3, MP4, U disk, and other digital products. Apple American Group to promote the use of new digital technology for users of "digital joy of new life experience" to provide consumers with innovative, stylish, digital entertainment, learning, and other products, and specialized, differentiated, high-quality products Provide consumers with new consumer services.

YEAH, Sir,就5分钟.写完都累死我了.嗬公司背景:苹果电脑公司成立于1976年,总部位于美国加里福尼亚丘珀蒂诺市,是在硅谷的中心地带。苹果公司专门从事开发、制造、销售个人电脑、服务器、外围设备、计算机软件、联机服务及个人数字式辅助设备。是1995年度全球第三大个人电脑供应商,位居当年"世界百大信息技术公司"排行榜第11位,"世界软件厂商最大50家"第25位。94、95年度在全球多媒体市场占有率高踞榜首。 Company Background: Apple Computer Inc. was founded in 1976, is headquartered in California Qiupodinuo City, in the heart of Silicon Valley. Apple specializes in the development, manufacture, sales of personal computers, servers, peripherals, computer software, online services and personal digital accessories. 1995 was the year the world's third largest PC supplier, was ranked 'the world's hundred largest information technology company' first top 11, 'the world's 50 largest software companies' 25th. 94, 95 years in the global multi-media market share topped the list. 本回答被提问者采纳

苹果公司发展可谓是一波三折。这里简略介绍一下他的发展轨迹。设计在线.中国 -Steven Wozniak和Steven Jobs这两个天才少年在高中的时候已经成了形影不离的朋友,Wozniak有机会涉足计算机设计领域,并在1976年设计出后来被成为Apple I 的电脑,附有远见的Jobs坚持要试着去卖这台机器。于是1976年4月1日,苹果破土而出了上海工业设计。 Apple I市场反应冷淡。直到1977年Apple II诞生并作了第一次商业展示后才引起人们的注意。苹果的销量大幅增加,造型设计公司的规模也自然而然的扩大。 -1979年Jobs和其他几个工程师慕名访问了施乐公司的PARC试验室,并从那里“偷学”到了图形用户界面技术,并将其应用于苹果电脑。 -1980年苹果已经有几千名雇员,并且产品开始销往世界各地,苹果成了电脑的代名词。 -1983年,外观设计Jobs开始聘请前百事可乐公司的主管John Sculley任苹果的CEO,相信他会让这棵未老先衰的苹果“枯木逢春”。 -1985年Jobs和Sculley的分歧越来越大产品设计,苹果的Jobs不得不离开了苹果。Sculley获得了工业设计苹果绝对的领导权。 -1987年,苹果发布其Mac II,功能强大的家用计算机,月销售达到5万台。苹果又过了几年好日子。 -1991年苹果电脑的操作系统是:Mac OS,但其与流行的兼容机软硬件不兼容。这大大束缚了它的发展。这曾经非常成功的市场策略,现在却让它吃尽了苦头,微软的操作系统很快占领了广大的市场。 -1993年6月他们免除了Scully的职务。设计在线.中国 -1994年苹果发布其家用机PowerMac。第一台基于IBM和Motorola合作开发的高速处理器PowerPC芯片的机型。但因为其封闭的市场策略,只有少数厂家得到有限的技术许可,仍然不能很好的打开市场。面对开放的兼容机市场,苹果的大门却越关越紧,路也越走越窄。 -1995年微软WINDOWS95发布,这更令其雪上加霜。苹果的冬季来临了。 紧接着戏剧性的事情发生了。苹果急需一名能引领其走出低谷的带路人,但迟迟没有挑选出来,面对奄奄一息的苹果,众多的商界骄子们望而却步。 -1996年在众多昔日同事的支持下,jobs开始在公司中起作用,成为事实上的领导人,被称为“过渡总裁”。但此时苹果的股票降到5年来的最低点,Jobs面临有生以来最大的挑战,挽救心爱的苹果。 -1997年11月10日,苹果宣布将通过电话和网络开展直销Power Computing,结果销路很好,紧接着又推出了一款新机型:PowerMacG3 复苏的迹象慢慢的显露出来,苹果终于制止了下滑,开始连续几个季度微利。Jobs继续着他的复苏计划,又推出了真正的划时代苹果传奇产品:iMac(1998年)、iPod(2002) 苹果的传奇创始人-史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs) 苹果之所有能有传奇般的发展,开发出传奇般的产品,很大程度上归结于公司传奇般的CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)――苹果公司的创始人,他的传奇人生得从他的出生前讲起。 1955年史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)生于硅谷的,生母是一名年轻的未婚在校研究生,生母将他送给别人收养。养父母是典型的蓝领工人,并没有优越的环境。 1972年乔布斯17岁,他来到位于波特兰大的里德学院上大学,在那里开始探索印度佛教,从学生宗教领袖那里学会了如何做推销。在那里读了六个月后,乔布斯决定退学,并且坚信日后会证明这样做是对的。 1974他到印度朝圣,漫游后反而有了新的认识,认为爱迪生对世界的贡献比佛教大师要大得多。于是他回到硅谷参加了沃兹尼阿克创立的自制电脑俱乐部,才有了个人机的面世。 1976年在 20 岁时史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和沃兹(苹果公司创始人之一Wozon)在乔布斯父母的车库里办起了苹果公司。十年后,苹果公司就从车库里我们两个人发展成为一个拥有 20 亿元资产、4,000 名员工的大企业。 1986年30岁时,乔布斯被自己办的公司解雇了。怎么会被自己办的公司解雇呢?原来随著苹果公司越做越大,苹果公司聘了百事可乐公司的主管John Sculley与乔布斯一道管理公司。随后我俩对公司前景的看法开始出现分歧,最后我俩反目了。这时,董事会站在了John Sculley那一边,所以在30岁那年,乔布斯离开了公司。 从苹果公司被挤出后乔布斯感到失落,但不久就振作起来。他虽然不是技术人员,但却是独具慧眼善于开拓新产品的奇才。1985年9月他卖掉所有苹果股票重新创业,但仍保留有一股以便获得年度财务报告,并用以寄托他对苹果的深情。 乔布斯新建了Next公司,准备开发新一代电脑,同时买下影视动画公司Pixar(后来成为世界最有名的三维动画公司)。 苹果为了要使用Next的新技术,于1996年底用4亿美元收购了Next。但经营不得法,并没有获得应有市场。反而因成本太高造成亏损。设计在线.中国 1997年7月因连续5个季度亏损,最高执行官阿默利欧只好辞职,当时苹果已接近破产边缘,人们又想起了乔布斯,于是在紧急关头他又被聘任为临时总裁兼最高执行长官。(1985年乔布斯被董事会解职,美国电脑产业就进入了高速发展期,康柏和戴尔都在此期间脱颖而出。而作为个人电脑的始祖,苹果却步履蹒跚,十年内它换过3任CEO,年销售额却从110亿美元缩水至70亿美元。) 乔布斯回到苹果后,做的第一件事是缩短战线,把正在开发的15种产品缩减到4种,而且裁掉一部分人员,节省了营运费用。其次,发扬苹果的特色。苹果素以消费市场作为目标,所以他要使苹果成为电脑界的索尼。上任伊始便着手开发iMac,使得电脑非常适合家庭的使用。第三,便是开拓销售渠道,让CompUSA成为苹果在美国全国的专卖商,使Mac机销量大增。第四,调整结盟力量。同宿敌微软和解,取得微软对它的1.5亿美元投资,并继续为苹果机器开发软件。同时收回了对兼容厂家的技术使用许可,使它们不能再靠苹果的技术赚钱。 1998年上半年iMac面世取得成功,苹果扭亏为盈。现在人们谈论的是恢复青春活力后的苹果将会怎样推动电脑事业的发展,而不是苹果行将破产。使苹果起死回生的正是刚43岁的乔布斯。 就在苹果前景一片大好的2004年,乔布斯被诊断患了癌症。一次扫描检查,结果清楚地表明乔布斯的胰腺上长了一个瘤子,确诊这是一种无法治愈的恶性肿瘤,最多还能活 3 到 6 个月。乔布斯做了手术,现在好了。这是乔布斯和死神离得最近的一次,这次经历之后,乔布斯对人生的感悟体会的更加深刻,他说:人的时间都有限,所以不要按照别人的意愿去活,这是浪费时间。不要囿于成见,那是在按照别人设想的结果而活。不要让别人观点的聒噪声淹没自己的心声。最主要的是,要有跟著自己感觉和直觉走的勇气。无论如何,感觉和直觉早就知道自己到底想成为什么样的人,其他都是次要的。求知若渴,大智若愚。这也是乔布斯一直想做到的。 人们认为乔布斯具有技术、管理和文化的三张面孔。在技术方面,他是使电脑成为消费产品的倡导者;在管理方面,他是善于随机应变的企业家;在文化方面,他是电脑文化的革命家。 1985年他被里根总统授予国家科技勋章,1987年获杰弗逊杰出公共服务奖。设 计 在 线 . 中 国 盖茨对乔布斯的评论是:“我不过是乔布斯第二,在我之前,苹果电脑的飞速发展给人以太深的印象。” 苹果的传奇设计 1998年后苹果公司复兴,虽然苹果公司的每个产品几乎都是艺术品级的设计精品,但苹果公司真正的能称得上传奇产品只有两个:这就是 iMac 和iPod,这两个产品真正实现了苹果巨人的复活,使得苹果时代又一次到来了。 Apple's development can be twists and turns. Here's a brief description of his track. On-line design. China -Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs two days in high school when the juvenile has become inseparable friends, Wozniak the opportunity to set foot in the field of computer design and in 1976 was designed to become the Apple I computer, attached to uphold the vision of Jobs To try to sell the machine. So on April 1, 1976, Apple has been staged in Shanghai industrial design. Apple I lukewarm market response. Until Apple II was born in 1977 and made the first commercial after the show attracted attention. Apple's sales increase, the size of the company's design is also natural to expand. Jobs in -1979 and several other engineers, especially for the visit to Xerox's PARC laboratory, and from there "to steal school" to the graphical user interface technology, and applies it to Apple. -1980 Years Apple has thousands of employees and products sold around the world, Apple Computer has become a synonym. -1983, Jobs began to design engaging as the head of Pepsi's John Sculley, Apple's term CEO, that he would prematurely senile apple tree, "Kumufengchun." -1985 Years Sculley and Jobs differences growing product design, Apple's Jobs had left Apple. Sculley won the industrial design of Apple's absolute leadership. -1987, Apple released its Mac II, a powerful home computers, on sales of 5 million units. Apple also had a good day for several years. -1991 In Apple Computer's operating system is: Mac OS, but it's compatible with the popular software and hardware incompatibilities. This greatly hindered its development. This has been very successful marketing strategy, it has now suffered, Microsoft's operating system quickly occupied the majority of the market. -1993-Year in June from the Scully of their duties. On-line design. China -1994 Year Apple released its home machine PowerMac. The first Taiwan-based IBM and Motorola to develop high-speed PowerPC processor chip models. However, because of the closure of its marketing strategy, only a small number of manufacturers have been limited technology licensing, it can not very well open up the market. In the face of open-compatible market, Apple's door to talks is tightening customs, the road gets narrower all the time. Microsoft released WINDOWS95 years -1995, which also added the. Apple has been the advent of winter. Followed by dramatic happened. Apple a much-needed guide to its bottom out of the way, but has not selected, in the face of Apple's on the verge of death, many are proud of the business away. -1996 Many years with the support of colleagues in the past, jobs began to play a role in the company to become the de facto leader, known as a "transitional president." At this point, but Apple's shares fell to 5-year low, Jobs faces the greatest challenge ever, to save the beloved Apple. -1997 Years on November 10, Apple announced the phone and direct sales network of Power Computing, the results of a good market, and then introduced a new model: PowerMacG3 The slow signs of recovery emerge, Apple has finally put an end to the decline in a row to start low-profit quarters. Jobs continue his recovery program as well as the introduction of a true legend of the epoch-making Apple products: iMac (1998 year), iPod (2002) Apple's legendary founder - Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) Apple will have all the legendary development, developed a legendary products, to a large extent be attributed to the company's legendary CEO Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) - Apple Computer co-founder, and his legend Life from his birth before the talk. 1955 Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) was born in Silicon Valley, is the mother of a young unmarried graduate student at the school, his mother gave up for adoption. Adoptive parents is a typical blue-collar workers, there is no superior environment. Jobs, 17-year-old in 1972, he arrived at Reed College in Portland, the largest university, where he began to explore Buddhism in India, where religious leaders from the students learned how to do marketing. Reading, where for six months, Jobs decided to drop out, and firmly believe that the future will prove that to do so. His 1974 pilgrimage to India, instead of roaming after a new awareness that Edison's contribution to the world is much greater than that of the Buddhist master. So he returned to Silicon Valley, Wozniak participated in the creation of self-made computer club, the only individual machines available. In the 20-year-old in 1976 when Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) and Watts (Apple co-founder of Wozon) in the garage of Jobs's parents started the company. Ten years later, Apple from a garage on the two of us develop into a 20 billion worth of assets, 4,000 employees of large enterprises. 30-year-old in 1986, Jobs was running his own company dismissed. Will be how to do their own companies to dismiss it? With the original Apple growing in volume, Apple has been appointed head of Pepsi's John Sculley and Steve Jobs a management company. Then both of us to the company's prospects began to differences, we were the last of the enemies. At this time, the Board of Directors to stand side by John Sculley, the 30-year-old that year, Jobs left the company. From Apple's Jobs are being squeezed out after the loss, but soon take heart. Although he is not a technician, but it is much the same kind of good at the development of new products Wizards. In September 1985, he sold all the shares of Apple to re-start, but still have reservations in order to obtain an annual financial report and for the sustenance of his deep feeling of Apple. New Jobs Next the company in preparation for the development of a new generation of computers, video animation at the same time the company bought Pixar (later to become the world's best-known three-dimensional animation company). Next to Apple's use of new technologies by the end of 1996 to 400,000,000 U.S. dollars acquisition of Next. However, the conduct of law can not and should not have access to the market. Instead, because of high costs caused by a loss. On-line design. China In July 1997 as a result of 5 consecutive quarter of losses, the highest executive Amoliou had no choice but to resign, then Apple has been on the verge of bankruptcy, people thought of Steve Jobs, so in moments of crisis, he was appointed as interim President and Chief Executive highest Executive. (Jobs in 1985 was dismissed board of directors, the United States on the computer industry has entered a rapid development period, Compaq and Dell have come to the fore during this period. As the ancestor of personal computers, Apple has hobbled, the 10 years it has replaced 3-permanent CEO , From annual sales of 11,000,000,000 U.S. dollars has shrunk to 70 million.) Jobs returned to Apple, the first thing to do is to shorten the front, and is developing 15 kinds of products were reduced to 4, and part of the staff laid off, saving the cost of the operation. Secondly, to carry forward the characteristics of Apple. Apple to-consumer market as a target, so he must become an Apple computer industry, Sony. At the beginning of his proceeds with the development of the iMac, making the computer is ideal for family use. The third is to open up sales channels for CompUSA in the United States, Apple has become the country's monopoly, so that the increase in sales of Mac machines. Fourth, adjust the strength of an alliance. Reconciliation with the old enemy Microsoft, Microsoft made its 150,000,000 U.S. dollars of investment, and continue to develop software for Apple machines. At the same time, the recovery of the compatible manufacturers permission to use the technology so that they can no longer rely on Apple technology to make money. Available in the first half of 1998, the success of the iMac, Apple to profitability. Now people are talking about the resumption of youth and vitality after Apple Computer is going to take to promote the development of the cause, rather than Apple will be bankrupt. Apple back to life so that it is just 43-year-old Jobs. Apple is on a good prospect in 2004, Jobs was diagnosed with cancer. A scan, the results clearly show that the pancreas Jobs on a long-Liu Zi, a diagnosis of incurable cancer, to be alive up to 3-6 months. Jobs has done a surgery and now the good. This is the death Jobs and the nearest time, the experience, Jobs for life experience of the more profound sentiment, he said:'s time is limited, so do not go in accordance with the wishes of the people live, which is A waste of time. Do not put aside their prejudices and it is envisaged that in accordance with the results of other people live. Do not let others point of view of the noisy sound of their voices drowned. The most important thing is, there must follow their own sense of intuition and the courage to go. In any case, feel and intuition have long known their wish to become in the end what kind of person, the others were secondary. Thirsty for knowledge, Dazhiruoyu. Jobs is also always wanted to do. Jobs that people with technical, managerial and cultural face of the three. On the technical side, he is to become the computer products, consumer advocates; On the management side, he is a good adaptable entrepreneurs; in culture, he is the computer culture revolutionist. In 1985 he was President Ronald Reagan awarded the National Science and Technology Medal, 1987 by Jefferson Award for outstanding public service. On-line design. China Gates on Jobs's comments: "I was only the second Steve Jobs, before me, Apple's rapid development in order to give people a deep impression." Apple's legendary design After the 1998 revival of Apple, although Apple's products in almost every level of design works of art are all fine, but Apple can truly be called The Legend of only two products: This is the iMac and iPod, these two products to achieve real Apple's revival of the Giants, making Apple once again the arrival of the era.


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http://baike.baidu.com/view/379604.htm?fromenter=%B4%F7%B6%FB%BF%A8%C4%CD%BB%F9戴尔·卡耐基(Dale Carnegie,1888-1955年),被誉为是20世纪最伟大的心灵导师和成功学大师,美国现代成人教育之父。 20世纪最伟大的心灵导师,美国人戴尔·卡耐基利用大量普通人不断努力取得成功的故事,通过演讲和书唤起无数陷入迷惘者的斗志,激励他们取得辉煌的成功。中文名: 戴尔·卡耐基 外文名: Dale Carnegie 国籍: 美国 出生地: 密苏里州 出生日期: 1888年11月24日 逝世日期: 1955年11月1日 职业: 作家 代表作品: 《人性的弱点》,《人性的优点》,《美好的人生》 目录人物作品人物生平代表著作《人性的优点》《人性的弱点》《积极的人生》《伟大的人物》《成功的12种方法》《成功交际法则》《成功之道全书》《语言的突破》《写给女人》《快乐的人生》《沟通的艺术》人物影响经典语录外界评价《人性的弱点》制作缘起卡内基训练全球卡内基训练简介中国大陆卡内基训练简介卡内基训练历史戴尔·卡内基的情商教育观教学的理论基础成人教学观人物作品人物生平代表著作 《人性的优点》 《人性的弱点》 《积极的人生》 《伟大的人物》 《成功的12种方法》 《成功交际法则》 《成功之道全书》 《语言的突破》 《写给女人》 《快乐的人生》 《沟通的艺术》人物影响经典语录外界评价《人性的弱点》制作缘起卡内基训练 全球卡内基训练简介 中国大陆卡内基训练简介 卡内基训练历史戴尔·卡内基的情商教育观 教学的理论基础 成人教学观展开 编辑本段人物作品  《人性的弱点》卡耐基在实践的基础上撰写而成的著作,是20世纪最畅销的成功励志经典。卡耐基主要代表作有:《沟通的艺术》、《人性的弱点》、《人性的优点》、《美好的人生》、《快乐的人生》、《伟大的人物》和《人性的光辉》。这些书出版之后,立即风靡全球,先后被译成几十种文字,被誉为“人类出版史上的奇迹”。他一生致力于人性问题的研究,运用心理学和社会学知识,对人类共同的心理特点,进行探索和分析,开创并发展出一套独特的融演讲、推销、为人处世、智能开发于一体的成人教育方式。   由他创办的卡内基训练机构在进入中国时被译为“卡内基”,而不是“卡耐基”,这其中有两个含义:1、为区别于一些对利益趋之若鹜的山寨卡内基书籍及培训机构;2、意寓人的改变是由内而外的,要真正从内心改变自己,才能真正的快乐起来享受人生。编辑本段人物生平  戴尔·卡耐基出生于1888年11月24日,逝世于1955年11月1日,享年67岁。他一生结过两次婚。他的第一任夫人,是法国的一位女伯爵, 1921年与他结婚,十年后离异。他的第二任夫人姚乐丝.卡耐基于1944年和他结婚,是他的门徒和事业的继承人,并给他生一女孩,取名Donna(唐娜)。   1888年11月24日,戴尔·卡耐基诞生于密苏里州玛丽维尔附近的一个小市镇。父亲经营一个小小的农场。家里非常穷,吃不饱,穿不暖。由于营养不良,小卡耐基非常瘦小,却长着一对与头部不很相称的大耳朵。   卡耐基上的小学校名很浪漫,叫玫瑰园,却非常简陋,只有一间教室。他在学校可不是一个听话的家伙。因戴尔 卡耐基(13张)为调皮捣蛋,搞恶作剧,他几次差一点被学校开除。   他那双又宽又大的耳朵是同学们嘲弄的对象。有一次,班上一名叫山姆·怀特的大男孩与卡耐基发生了争吵,卡耐基说了几句很刻薄的话,怀特被激怒了,便恐吓道:“总有一天,我要剪断你那双讨厌的大耳朵。”他吓坏了,几个晚上都不敢睡觉,害怕在自己进入梦乡以后被怀特剪掉了耳朵。   当卡耐基成名以后,仍然没有忘记山姆·怀特。他归纳出了一番人生哲理:“要想别人对你友善,要想与同事和睦地相处,处理好上下级关系,那就绝不能去触动别人心灵的伤疤。”卡耐基还发现,他具有与生俱来的忧郁性格。他曾向朋友倾诉:烦恼伴随着我的一生。我一直想弄明白自己的忧虑来自何处。有一天,我帮母亲摘取樱花的种子时,突然哭泣起来。母亲问:“你为什么哭?”我边哭边答:“我担心自己会不会像这种子一样,被活活埋在泥土里。”儿时的我,担惊受怕的事情真的不少:下雷雨时,担心会不会被雷打死;年景不好时担心以后有没有食物充饥;还担心死后会不会下地狱。稍大以后更加胡思乱想:想自己的衣着、举止会不会被女孩子取笑,担心没有女孩子愿意嫁给我。 但后来我发现,曾经使我非常担心的那些事情,99%都没有发生。”   一个如此没有自信,几乎被各种各样莫名其妙的忧虑缠绕的小伙子,最终成为给别人自信、让人们乐观的心理激励大师,这中间需要经历多少磨砺,就可想而知了。   卡耐基16岁时,不得不在自家的农场里干更多的活。每天早晨,他骑马进城上学。放学后便急匆匆地骑马赶回家里,挤牛奶、修剪树木、收拾残汤剩饭喂猪…… 在学校里,瘦弱、苍白的卡耐基永远穿着一件破旧而不合身的夹克,一副失魂落魄的样子。有一次上数学课时,卡耐基被老师叫到黑板前解答问题。他刚走上讲台,就听见身后爆发出一阵哄堂大笑。下课后才明白同学们笑话他的原因。班上一名捣蛋鬼坐在他背后,在他的破夹克的裂缝处插了一朵玫瑰花,还在旁边贴了一张字条,写着:“我爱你,瑞德·杰克先生。”在英语中,瑞德·杰克与破夹克是谐音词。卡耐基非常难受。回家后他对母亲说:“同学们老是笑话我穿的破衣服,我不能集中精力听课。”妈妈说道:“你为什么不想办法让他们因佩服你而尊敬你呢?不必伤心,今年秋季,我一定给你买套新衣服。”卡耐基在童年时代受到他母亲很大影响。母亲生性乐观,百折不挠。一次大水灾,洪水冲出了河堤,把农场的所有农作物冲得不见踪影。父亲用绝望的声音喊道:“上帝,你为什么老是和我过不去?我什么时候才能走出困境!”而母亲却十分镇静,她哼唱着歌,将家园重新收拾好。母亲对卡耐基寄予厚望,一直鼓励他好好读书,希望他将来做一名传教士,或做一名教员。   1904年,卡耐基高中毕业后就读于密苏里州华伦斯堡州立师范学院。这时,家里已把农场卖掉,迁到学院附近。卡耐基负担不起市镇上的生活费用,就住在家里,每天骑马到学校去上课。他是全校600名学生中五六个住不起市镇的学生之一。他虽然得到全额奖学金,但还必须四处打工,以弥补学费的不足。   卡耐基发现,学院辩论会及演说赛非常吸引人,优胜者的名字不但广为人知,而且还被视为学院的英雄人物。这是一个成名和成功的最好机会。   但他没有演说的天赋,参加了12次比赛,屡战屡败。三十年后,卡耐基谈及第一次演说失败时,还以半开玩笑的口吻说:“是的,虽然我没有找出旧猎枪和与之相类似的致命东西来,但当时我的确想到过自杀…… 我那时才认识到自己是很差劲的……”经历失败后,卡耐基发奋振作,重新挑战自我。   1906年,戴尔·卡耐基一篇以《童年的记忆》为题的演说,获得了勒伯第青年演说家奖。这是他第一次成功尝试,这份讲稿至今还存在瓦伦斯堡州立师范学院的校志里。这次获胜,对他的一生产生了非同小可的影响。   他在后来的回忆中不无自豪地说:“我虽然经历了12次失败,但最后终于赢得了辩论比赛。更为激励我的是,我训练出来的男学生赢了公众演说赛。女学生也获得了朗读比赛的冠军。从那一天起,我就知道我该走怎样的路了……”1908年,卡耐基仍旧很贫穷,但与两年前进入师范学院时已有天壤之别了。他成了全院的风云人物,在各种场合的演讲赛中大出风头。全院的师生对他刮目相看;但他并不满足于此,他开始走出学院去扩大自己演讲的影响了。   他原先的目标,是想在学校里获得学位,毕业后回到家乡的学校里去教书。但在快毕业的那年里,他发现同班的一个同学在暑假为国际函授学校推销函授课,每周所得的钱,比他父亲的辛勤所得还高出四倍。因此,他在1908年毕业后,便赶到国际函授学校总部所在地的丹佛市,受雇做了一名推销员,后来他又到南奥马哈,为阿摩尔公司贩卖火腿,肥皂和猪油。他的这个推销工作虽然很成功,但在1911年,他却到纽约《美国戏剧艺术学院》学习演戏。一年以后,他感到自己并不具备演戏的天才,于是又回到推销的行业里,为一家汽车公司当推销员。   但这些工作都不合他的理想。他为没有实现在大学里梦想生活,这比赚钱更重要。他决心白天写书,晚间去夜校教书,以赚取生活费。他想为夜校教公开演讲课,因为他认为,大学时代他在公开演说方面受过训练,有所经验。这些训练和经验,扫除了他的怯懦和自卑,让他有勇气和信心跟人打交道,增长了做人处世的才能。于是他说服了纽约一个基督教青年会的会长,同意他晚间为商业界人士开设一个公开演讲班。从此,他开始了为之奋斗一生的成人教育事业。   但是,并不是目前一帆风顺,以后也是。   戴尔·卡耐基经过19个月的服役,回到祖国之后,惊愕地发现,自己的事业也不受人所重视,现在的年轻人,那些有梦想的人,那些等待着心灵被开启的人,被困在了失业的困境中。失业队伍一日复一日,一年复一年地壮大起来。   但是,卡耐基是谁?卡耐基是不畏困难和刁难的人!他重整旗鼓,终于打出了一片自己的“如日中天”的事业,他,撑起了成人教育、心理学家、心灵教父的半边天。   第二任妻子桃乐丝很支持他的事业,他们的关系一直很融洽。在卡耐基63岁时,桃乐丝为他生下了一名女婴,取名唐娜·戴尔·卡耐基,现任美国卡内基训练董事长。 参考资料: http://baike.baidu.com/view/379604.htm?fromenter=%B4%F7%B6%FB%BF%A8%C4%CD%BB%F9 本回答由提问者推荐